Listed by Aaron Katz of Proactive Realty
I know price seems low. PRICE IS LOW! It's cold outside and seller wants to sell! Lots of space and possibility and it is NOT A CONDO! It is an attached single family home which means you own the land and the house, offering TONS of possibilities! Stunning location in a beautiful neighborhood that is a short stroll to downtown and the waterfront! The seller has just updated the property with GLEAMING wood floors throughout that are beautiful and fresh paint from top to bottom. TONS of storage with an enormous attic that is 49' x 14' offering HUGE expansion potential, oversized, well-built shed with electricity in it & real double hung windows. 2 level deck in the back and a very cute, fenced backed yard. It wasn't gut-renovated but it was beautifully updated and really is adorable. Seller paying for 1 year home warranty from American Home Shield, if buyer closes in 30 days or less.

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