Listed by Christopher Olson of eXp Realty
Picturesque 9+/- acre Gentlemen's Farm in North Middleboro! Home is a ranch style and move-in condition with four (4) large bedrooms. There is a large 2 car garage (26' x 27') with 9' foot doors. There is also a 20' x 60' barn barn a few hundred feet from the rear of the home, out of view as the property widens as you move away from Plymouth Street and a 2nd smaller 20' x 24' barn. This is a wonderful opportunity to live next to your agricultural wish list- horses, cattle, chickens, goats, and / or straight up farming. Home offers refinished hardwood floors throughout, eat-in kitchen, large living room with wood burning fireplace. The roof on main house and garage are both fairly new. Basement is partially finished, has high ceilings and has a walk out with a half bath/ wash sink area. SELLER IS INSTALLING A NEW four (4) bedroom septic system (plans attached) prior to sale. There are other outbuildings that were previously used for kennels, chickens and other aggregarian uses!

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Property Details of 68 Plymouth Street, North Middleborough

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