Listed by Donna Chase of William Raveis R.E. & Home Services
Incredibly renovated Garrison Colonial sited high over State Rd on the corner of a highly desirable oceanfront neighborhood! Top-of-the-line upgrades include electric fireplace in front-to-back living room which leads out to a deck for warmer weather relaxing after returning from the neighborhood beach.Beautiful marble primary suite bath with large vanity, walk-in pantry just off the kitchen w/bar sink & great storage, magnificent kitchen w/quartz counter & island, and a massive, walk up 3rd floor for home office, playroom, or just about anything! Brand new 4-bedroom septic, new roof, full basement ready for expansion or great storage destination, and the list goes on & on... If you're tired of touring homes in need of too many updates, or find them small and are hoping for a friendly, beachfront community, then this property is your dream come true! Invite family and friends for cookouts and long days sitting at the beach...or just enjoy your own private retreat. Perfect!

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