Listed by Patricia McArdle of Bold Real Estate Inc.
This Gambrel Cape home, located on a quiet street on the edge of West Bridgewater, is much larger than it first appears from the street. There are 5 bedrooms being used; 2 on the first floor and three on the second floor, as well as 2 full bathrooms. There is an extra room off the large bedroom upstairs, which could be used as an office, or future en suite. All bedrooms have been freshly painted. On the main level is a large livingroom with fireplace, wainscoating, chair rails, built-ins, and custom made front doorway with bullseye glass panels and leaded glass sidelights. The oversized kitchen includes a dining area with bow window. The floors downstairs have been refinished and feature wide pine with hammered head nails. The house is hooked up with a free standing generator, so you will never lose power. There are leased solar panels and a leased H2O heater. And don't forget the partially finished basement which is the bonus space with endless possibilities!

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Property Details of 21 Milebrook Road

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