Listed by Lee Joseph of Coldwell Banker Realty - Worcester
This spacious colonial in the desirable Salisbury area boasts 12 rooms and 3.5 baths, situated on a lovely, quiet dead-end street. The home features two versatile additions with multiple potential uses.The first addition includes a separate entrance and a large full bath with a stall shower/jet tub, perfect for an in-home office, art studio, au pair suite, accessory dwelling unit, workout area, and more. The second addition expanded the kitchen and increased the depth of the garages to accommodate four cars/work area. It also includes skylighted, heated storage space with a separate entrance.A rare bonus in this home is the elevator, providing convenient access between the first and second floors.Experience all that Worcester has to offer, with easy access to numerous restaurants, train and plane services, 10 colleges, two hospitals (UMass and St. Vincent's), cultural venues like The Hanover Theatre and Mechanics Hall, and sports events with the WooSox, Bravehearts and Railers!

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Property Details of 4 Old English Road

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