Listed by George Higgins of Metropolitan Boston Real Estate,LLC
This is a wonderful home in The West Fenway. Here there is a comfortable kitchen with recent appliances and full sized window, a spacious bed/living area with three full sized windows facing southwest and west to sunset spreading daylight throughout . The bathroom has a full sized window facing southwest wide and deep shower also ample cabinet and shelf space. This choice neighborhood is very convenient as there is a commuter rail stop and access to all green-lines and bus service to Cambridge, Copley and Park street near the Finacial District. Time Out Marketplace is here also many fine restaurants, shopping establishments. The Nighlife is much fun with famous concert halls, nightclubs, billiads and bowling. A tributary of the Charles River runs throu here on three sides and is bordered by community gardens and lush choice trees with walk and running paths. soccer/football field A short walk east is the Back Bay west is The Longwood Medical Area many universities.

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Property Details of 69 Park Drive, Unit 23, The Fenway

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